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Transform Cocoon Butterfly 2128195 1280 Cmyk

Leading the Laity: Transformed and Transforming With Love

Eugene Williams, Conference Co-Lay Leader, encourages us to embrace a season of transformation with an attitude of abundance. Despite challenges like disaffiliation and declining membership, our mission to love all people and make disciples remains unchanged. Let us walk together in faith, reflecting God’s unconditional love and commitment.

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Give Flower 22656 1280 Cmyk

Being Made in the Image of God as Giver

There are many reasons and motivations for “why” people give to churches and charities. Humans are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), so we should do more than wonder about this identity we have, being made in God’s image as a giver. We should exercise our souls by actually giving, so that we build up our spiritual health by practicing God’s creative purposes as givers. 

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Nic Collections End July 2024 Cmyk

Have you made your contribution?

In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed for us to continue our impact. This giving supports our ministries, outreach programs, employees and daily operations.

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Rockford Christ Beth Eden Camping 1 Cmyk

Building Faith and Friendship at Camp

Church camps offer a blend of outdoor adventure and spiritual growth, creating lifelong bonds and faith-forming experiences. Camps like these are essential in shaping the spiritual journeys of Northern Illinois United Methodists, providing a space where God’s presence is felt in profound ways.

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Mission Trip

Summer Mission Trips Serving Communities in Need

Communities in our neighborhood, in other states, and abroad are finding relief from volunteers from Northern Illinois serving on mission trips. Both youth and adult volunteers are engaging in meaningful service, fostering community and personal growth. These trips allow participants to address tangible needs, such as home repairs and community support, while also building relationships and understanding across different cultures and backgrounds. 

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Chicago Temple Banner

First UMC of Chicago Celebrates 100 years at the Chicago Temple

The Chicago Temple is marking 100 years as a landmark in downtown Chicago in 2024. The centennial celebrations will honor the Temple’s legacy and the visionaries behind its creation.

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