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Martin Lee New 5 2024 Cmyk

Mentors and the lessons of humility

As I begin my retirement from appointed ministry in the Northern Illinois Conference, I recall the mentors who gave me hope and encouraged high expectations. 

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Position Available

NIC Director of Congregational Development Opportunity

The Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church seeks a full-time director of congregational development. The person in this role will be responsible for developing strategies and resources for creating innovative, vital new faith communities and new church starts, and developing strategies for creating vibrant, vital existing congregations. The director serves as a member of the appointive cabinet and will report directly to the bishop. Applications are accepted until April 19.

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Fresh Expressions 1 Cmyk

Fresh Expressions ministries give hope for the future of the church

In a time of uncertainty about what the future of The United Methodist Church—and most denominations—will look like, Fresh Expressions brings some hopeful direction. You may have heard of “church” taking place in some unusual places in some unusual ways, such as dinner church and pub hymn-sings. These are examples of Fresh Expressions, an intentional, interdenominational creative movement of Christians who bring the gospel to those who would probably never come to a traditional church setting.

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