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Slightly increased budget passes

Without debate, this year’s conference members passed a 2025 budget of $4,630,098. It represents an increase of $243,254 over the 2024 budget. “The increase of 5.25 percent from 2024 is an increase in every area of the budget; there was no single large expense,” explained Elaine Moy, conference treasurer and director of administrative services.

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Ac24 Laity Session Discussion 3 Cmyk

Leading the Laity: We’ve come this far by faith

"For us, the only constant is change itself," says Eugene Williams, Northern Illinois Conference co-lay leader. "The world is ever-changing, but God is still the same. So let us continue to embrace this season of experimentation and possibilities with hope and with love. Let us seek opportunities for new growth to go forward with love to meet each other wherever we may be found."

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Arlene Helping With Ordination Cmyk

DYK: Farewell Thoughts

"Before I knew I would be a United Methodist pastor, before I knew I would serve in administrative roles for over half of my ministry, God knew," says Rev. Arlene Christianson, who is retiring from the position of assistant to the bishop. "It was through the leading of the Holy Spirit, my introduction to The United Methodist Church during seminary, and the trust of wise and gifted bishops that I have taken this journey."  

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Pilgrims Marching Across Edmund Pettus Bridge Selma Al

A trip begins an eye-opening journey

Toni Lucas, a certified lay minister, experienced her work with the Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force as "an eye-opener for this elderly Caucasian country girl." She adds that for her, it was "a shock it has been to learn that racism is built into the American life. . . . Thank you, Northern Illinois Conference, for the opportunity to learn and grow." 

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Joy and Lament: Statement from Queer Clergy Caucus

The Northern Illinois Queer Clergy Caucus celebrates the gains made at General Conference and calls United Methodists to an affirming, not just neutral, stance. "Ending legislated exclusion does not mean true inclusion," they say.

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Flowers Sympathy625x400 2a417 Copy

In Sympathy: Lynn Everitt Longenbaugh

Rev. Dr. Lynn Everitt Longenbaugh, a retired member of Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on June 6, 2024.

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