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NIC Prayer Booklet for Times like These

Don’t worry about anything? That’s pretty hard to do these days! In addition to the effects of the pandemic, the economy, and whether the rising momentum against racism will produce change, we all have experienced personal concerns with family, friends, transitions and lost celebrations.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Hispanic/Latinx Community

The coronavirus has hit all people, especially vulnerable communities. One of the populations that has been devastated by this pandemic is the Hispanic/Latinx community, which is the second-largest ethnic group in the United States, making up 16.7% of the country and 17.4% of Illinois.

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Episcopal Logo Horiz

Interim Bishop announced to serve NIC in 2021

A couple of months ago, the NCJ bishops (called the College of Bishops) began to meet and discuss how to provide coverage for the NIC during the 2021 year. In consultation with the NCJ Committee on Episcopacy, the NIC Committee on Episcopacy, and the NIC cabinet, a strong preference was made for a retired bishop to provide coverage. 

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Illinois Enters Phase 4 - What that means for churches

Governor J. B. Pritzker is expected to move all the regions of Illinois into Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan on June 26. This will continue to move us toward more in-person gatherings but still with restrictions.

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ReTurn Team Plan Feedback and Clarifications

The ReTurn Team is grateful for the support and feedback received in response to the May 15 guidelines offered for churches to consider as businesses and institutions around us have begun to reopen. We recognize that the Health Teams or Leadership Teams tasked with guiding your work in your local context are feeling an increasing amount of pressure to move toward a return to “normal” in-person activities. As our state has moved into Stage 3 and soon will likely move to Stage 4, we wish to offer additional clarification and guidance that may help you moving forward.  

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Dyck Sally

Bishop's Monday Message: Trouble can produce endurance

Once I told my congregation that I wanted to tattoo this verse on the inside of my eyelids: “…we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” Yeah, they thought it was a little weird, too, to imagine tattooing something on the inside of your eyelids. But it’s a message that guides us through our times of trouble to a place of hope.

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