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First-ever Meme Contest - Everybody is a winner

From references of Superman, Xbox and even 80s pop singer Rick Astley, the first-ever Northern Illinois Conference social media meme contest was a hit. Nine youth and young adults submitted their original memes for the “What does Jesus Meme to Me?” contest held this spring.

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Phasing in to return to church

For three months, church leaders have moved worship and ministries outside the building and into the realm of the virtual world providing hope and reassurance in these difficult days since the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced. While many are anxious to return to the sanctuary for in-person services, Bishop Sally Dyck says congregations must stay the course and follow state guidelines to make sure we “do no harm” and do our part to help stop the spread of the virus.

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Floyd Memorial

Yet Again…Death Comes to Black People

It keeps happening over and over again. People are exhausted…even some of us white people and other people of color. Exhausted from praying and hoping for change. And it keeps happening over and over again. I can cite all the scriptures and champions of justice like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others. But really? Black. Lives. Are. Sacred. 

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ReTurn Team Gives Churches Five-Phase Guidance

The ReTurn Team’s Plan for returning to our ministries in a safe and healthy way is now available. As the situation surrounding the pandemic has been somewhat fluid, we expect to adjust the Plan periodically as new information surfaces and new developments occur. 

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Episcopal Logo Horiz

Bishop responds to President calling to reopen churches

As many of you may have heard, President Trump has just declared the opening of all houses of worship throughout the country.  He rightly recognizes that we need “more prayer, not less,” but doesn’t realize that people, including the people called United Methodist, have been praying and worshipping all along through these months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Churches find their own ways to move forward with Confirmation

In response to the coronavirus pandemic and official restrictions regarding in-person gatherings, many NIC congregations and pastors have wholeheartedly continued their worship services, Bible studies, devotions, and/or prayer ministries in some form of online setting. While many are weighing the pros and cons of conducting an online confirmation service, some congregations have moved forward in creative “virtual” ways to honor this important rite of passage. 

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