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Churches respond to call to denounce racism

For too long, in so many of our churches and communities, racism has been willfully ignored—and even perpetuated. The Bishop's message, building on generations of antiracism work in the church, inspired the Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) to formally adopt the goal of living out the conviction that racism is incompatible with Christian teaching.

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Anti-Racism Task Force launches resource webpage

The NIC Anti-Racism Task Force is now rolling out Phase I of their online presence—and they are excited about their webpage and Learning Path!

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Rockford young adult commissioned as Global Fellow to help homeless

The new class of US-2s, all of whom will serve for two years at locations in the United States including Emily Palm from Christ UMC in Rockford, were affirmed as agents of change and partners in God's mission on Aug. 26. These young adults come from seven states and will serve in seven states other than where they currently reside. The GMF international track will not be conducted this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and safety concerns.

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NIC Prayer Booklet for Times like These

Don’t worry about anything? That’s pretty hard to do these days! In addition to the effects of the pandemic, the economy, and whether the rising momentum against racism will produce change, we all have experienced personal concerns with family, friends, transitions and lost celebrations.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Hispanic/Latinx Community

The coronavirus has hit all people, especially vulnerable communities. One of the populations that has been devastated by this pandemic is the Hispanic/Latinx community, which is the second-largest ethnic group in the United States, making up 16.7% of the country and 17.4% of Illinois.

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Interim Bishop announced to serve NIC in 2021

A couple of months ago, the NCJ bishops (called the College of Bishops) began to meet and discuss how to provide coverage for the NIC during the 2021 year. In consultation with the NCJ Committee on Episcopacy, the NIC Committee on Episcopacy, and the NIC cabinet, a strong preference was made for a retired bishop to provide coverage. 

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