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Pilgrims Marching Across Edmund Pettus Bridge Selma Al

A trip begins an eye-opening journey

Toni Lucas, a certified lay minister, experienced her work with the Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force as "an eye-opener for this elderly Caucasian country girl." She adds that for her, it was "a shock it has been to learn that racism is built into the American life. . . . Thank you, Northern Illinois Conference, for the opportunity to learn and grow." 

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Love Heart Fadi Xd I4dr572y7l0 Unsplash Cmyk

Leading the Laity: Choose love over fear

As we revel in and appreciate the mighty acts of Christ during Holy Week and on Resurrection Sunday, allow me to remind us all that Eastertide does not end until the book of Revelation. Though we celebrate the season of Lent anew each year as a reminder of the mighty acts of Christ, the fact is, Easter never ends. That is why we are called Easter People. 

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Carpeters Place Pic Cmyk

Kingdom Assignment provides love ripples

The ripple effect of love was felt throughout the Belvidere community and beyond when the people of First United Methodist Church in Belvidere turned $100 bills into acts of compassion. Over 20 projects were initiated with the money. Some took the opportunity to partner with other members to make the money go further, some people took the money and made an individual impact, and some members reached out to other close family friends and associates and asked them to take part in their projects. 

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Grace Word In Hands Cmyk

Leading the Laity: Reviving and Extending Grace

Let us celebrate anew these forty days of Lent from Ash Wednesday to Psalm Sunday and finally, to Resurrection Sunday. This is a sincere time for prayer, reflection, repentance, and forgiveness as we consider the very essence of what, who and whom we are as United Methodist siblings. We believe in and live in the covenant of grace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  

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Laity Convocation 5 Cmyk

Stronger Together: Our Laity in action

My source of hope today is in the laypeople of our conference. There are faithful laity all over our conference who keep serving, investing their gifts and talents, and going above and beyond to do God’s mission here on earth, no matter what. Our laity are faithful, perseverant, and committed to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our laity are in action!! 

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Golden Cross Winners Together

2023 Golden Cross Award winners are compassionate caregivers

Five exemplary leaders in senior services have been recognized with Northern Illinois Conference’s Golden Cross awards. Each year, donations to Golden Cross Sunday offerings fund grants for deserving workers in senior-serving institutions to further their service among older adults. Pong Javier, Deaconess Martha Lundgren, and Deaconess Joy Hayag, members of the annual conference Older Adult Ministry Committee, presented this year’s awards to these deserving recipients. 

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