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Trainings around the NIC fan the flame of discipleship

The week of September 9, approximately 350 clergy and laity attended one of six Discipleship Systems training sessions across the NIC led by Jeff Campbell, Associate General Secretary for Strategic Programming with Discipleship Ministries (UM General Board of Discipleship).

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Farming community weathering difficult season

Farmers in northern Illinois say it's been a stressful season after a cold, rainy spring and a dry July took a toll on crops. Many are uncertain what the harvest will yield.

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Bishop's Appeal offering benefits youth campers

Thanks to the generosity of NIC churches, more children will be able to experience camp and grow closer to Christ. This year’s special Bishop’s Appeal offering at Annual Conference totaled $53,437 to help support Outdoor and Retreat Ministries.

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Gun Violence Assembly

“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” has been designed as an interconference, faith-rooted Teach-in and Café Conversation sponsored by the Indiana and Northern Illinois Conferences of The United Methodist Church. This half-day assembly is designed to equip and engage participants in principles and practices to effectively implement congregation and community-based gun violence prevention strategies.

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Bishop Dyck's message post-General Conference

The long-awaited Special Session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in St. Louis, Mo., has finished its work. The three days were very painful for people who attended or watched at home via livestream. The pain inflicted upon our LGBTQI members, friends and families was intense. But there was also pain in seeing the deep divide among the delegates. Likewise, many of us feel this doesn’t reflect the United Methodist Church’s doctrine on grace.

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Welcome New Administrative Assistant/Communications Specialist

Diane Strzelecki started as our new Administrative  Assistant/Communications Specialist on Feb. 15. She will work closely with Rev. Arlene Christopherson, Dir. of Connectional Ministries and Anne Marie Gerhardt, Director of Communications. Diane will be responsible for special publications, brochures, Annual Conference media support, web content, social media, and other communication projects.

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