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Herb John of Wesley UMC, Aurora, Receives UM Men Award

Herb John of Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora has won the Jean Bush Award from the Northern Illinois Conference's United Methodist Men for inspiring leadership and growth in NIC men's ministries. 

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National Hispanic Heritage Month 2

Hispanic Heritage Month in NIC celebrates vital ministries

The Hispanic/Latinx community is one of the largest demographic groups in the U.S., with a population of 62.1 million. In Northern Illinois, the Hispanic/Latinx population is 1.9 million and continues to grow rapidly. This makes Hispanic Heritage Month—Sept. 15 to Oct. 15—very important to The United Methodist Church as a whole and our conference in particular. It’s a time we set aside to celebrate and appreciate the contribution of the Hispanic/Latinx community in our country and our churches.

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Keep The Dream Alive March

NIC United Methodists keep the dream alive

On Aug. 27, United Methodists and friends assembled at the First United Methodist Church–Chicago Temple for “Keep the Dream Alive” to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. Participants filled the sanctuary for worship and later moved across the street to Daley Plaza for a peaceful rally and march against racism.

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Solarpanelinstallationbill Mead Unsplash1

NIC congregations leading solar energy use save money and care for God’s creation

Net zero requires abatement of our emissions. We must eliminate carbon-producing activity. This will require our being less reliant on fossil fuels by pursuing efficient energy use, electrification, and renewables. A key action is to go solar.

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Bishop At Memorial

From Your Bishop: Amidst confronting horror, interfaith leaders commit to peace and strong relations

Rabbi Yehiel Poupko of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Rev. Dr. Javier Viera, president of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, invited the Bishop, his wife Julie, and other faith leaders in the Chicago area to an instructive tour this past summer of the Holocaust sites in Poland. The rising tide of nationalism in Poland and the ongoing polarizations in our own country suggested an opportunity to bear an interfaith witness to peace and strong interfaith relations among leaders in Chicago.

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Oct 23 Dyk Words

DYK: Attend your church conference—you are a link in the connection

Church conferences focus on electing leaders, setting the pastor’s salary, approving the church’s budget (if available), recommending candidates for ministry, and approving lay speakers. The event also includes a time to review and affirm the congregation’s plans for ministry and mission and learning about the work of the conference and the wider United Methodist Church.These meetings are part of the fabric of our connectional nature. Through the connectional system, we are involved in God’s mission together. Together, we are able to do more than if we remained alone.

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