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Northern Illinois Conference Regretfully Files Lawsuit Against Naperville Korean Church

The Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church has, with a heavy heart, filed a lawsuit on Oct. 10 against the Naperville Korean United Methodist Church, alleging that it unlawfully took possession of property and funds rightfully belonging to the Northern Illinois Conference.

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Dr. Nanabray Installed

On Sunday, October 8, laity and clergy cheerfully joined in celebration at the Installation of Lake South District Superintendent, Dr. Audrea, at Faith UMC in Orland Park. The powerful service incorporated many voices and cultures from around the district.

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United Methodists, others denounce Middle East violence

Church leaders are calling for an end to violence in the Middle East that is causing death and injury to Palestinians and Israelis alike. The United Methodist Council of Bishops are “appalled and dismayed,” according to their Oct. 9 statement. The Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem states, “The situation is complicated, and we recognize the fear and sense of injustice that are felt, but we call on both sides not to resort to further violence and to engage in negotiation to establish a peaceful solution for all who live in the Holy Land."

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Korean Esl Class

Church hosts ESL classes for students in South Korea

Students in South Korea partnered with members of St. Andrews in Carol Stream to attend an English as a Second Language class via Zoom. The class was held once a week to improve their English and understanding of American culture. The class celebrated their one-year anniversary on the first of September.

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Rev. Dr. Hwa-Young Chong Installed

On Sunday, September 24, laity and clergy joined in celebration at the Installation of Prairie North District Superintendent Hwa-Young Chong at Grace UMC in Rockford. The moving service incorporated many voices from around the district and parts of DS Chong's Korean Heritage.

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Piggy Bankcr

New Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Program Available for Some Church Staff

The Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act is a state-facilitated, mandated retirement savings program for employers that have five or more employees who are issued a W-2 and that do not already offer an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Find out if your church should offer it to your staff.

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