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Laypeople learn keys to civil conversations

In our highly conflicted society, is civil conversation on disputed subjects possible? At Laity Session at Annual Conference on June 6, participants learned some basic principles to practice when they engage in conversation with those they disagree with.

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Bishop At Journey Of Hope 2

Connecting and forming relationships across the conference

Bishop Dan Schwerin, newly assigned episcopal leader for the Northern Illinois Conference, spent his first month focused on meeting key leaders within the conference and the denomination. A cabinet retreat and bishop training, locally and across the country, filled his calendar. Late January and February were set aside to work on forming relationships across our conference.

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Laity Convocation Collage

Laity Convocation 23 focuses on community ministry

Laity Convocation 2023 was an opportunity to try something new. After two years of virtual gatherings, Co-Lay Leaders Mark Manzi, Eugene Williams, and Connie Augsburger decided that they wanted in-person participation at three locations. Being in three churches (Disciples UMC in Mt. Morris, Barrington UMC, and Faith UMC in Orland Park) provided the opportunity for fellowship and reduced the distance for participants to travel.

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Bishop's Column: Hearing the call

When I think of being called into ministry, I think of my father. Oh, he wasn’t a pastor. He was a mechanic who quit school in the eighth grade and was mostly a “home” Baptist. That means he did not go to church very much. He was “spiritual” but not “religious” long before those were sociological categories. 

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Laity Sunday 2022 October 16 2 Tim 18 12

Laity Sunday

This year’s Laity Sunday falls on Oct. 16. The theme is RISE UP! - and Reveal God’s grace (2 Tim 1:8-12). Under the call to Rise Up, laity in the current quadrennium will continue to echo the invitation of this passage: to Rise Up and revive God’s gift of faith.

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GCUMM shares new path forward for Scouting ministry

The long-anticipated wait is coming to an end as a new era of Scouting ministry in The United Methodist Church makes its way forward. A highly skilled team of chancellors, insurance risk advisors, and UMC leaders have forged a path through a difficult landscape to provide a safer way for Scouting ministry to continue within local United Methodist churches.

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