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Council Of Bishops

Bishop's Special Session Call Letter

I am writing to announce that there will be a special session of the Northern Illinois Annual Conference on Saturday, November 16, 2019, at Kishwaukee College (21193 Malta Road, Malta, IL 60150) beginning promptly at 9 a.m. and continuing until 1 p.m.

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Team explores annual conference future

In June the Northern Illinois Annual Conference authorized Bishop Sally Dyck to form a task force to explore our future as an Annual Conference in light of the passing of the Traditional Plan in February at the General Conference Special Session in St. Louis. The Task Force, labeled the “Exploration Team,” met in late June and early August, both meetings were held at Barrington UMC.

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Bishop's Column: Where does it hurt?

In August, the Cabinet and I went on a farm tour to experience and hear from some farmers in northern Illinois who have been affected by recent adverse weather conditions. We visited several different kinds of farms, including a family farm, a practicing organic farm, and an agritourism farm.

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Farming community weathering difficult season

Farmers in northern Illinois say it's been a stressful season after a cold, rainy spring and a dry July took a toll on crops. Many are uncertain what the harvest will yield.

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Campers say 'thank you'

For one week in August, more than 60 children from the city could just be kids and enjoy the great outdoors at one of NIC’s two camps. The campers from 14 churches in the Chicago Southern and Chicago Northwestern Districts took part in the Chicago Metro Camp at Camp Reynoldswood in Dixon, Ill. It was made mostly possible thanks to the generosity from all the churches and individuals who donated to the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal offering at the Annual Conference in June.

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West Ohio Conference Crowd 2019 Sidebar

Bishop Dyck: Resolve to be a Peacemaker

I urge all churches to pray for the victims of violence and death across this country again this week. We too easily slip into thoughts of “moving on,” forgetting how many families will never “move on” after last weekend alone. I read a quote from Miroslav Volf, who said, “There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve.” We must endeavor “to do something,” as the crowd chanted at the governor of Ohio. How will we resolve the violence, specifically related to guns, in our nation? What is our will to do so?

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