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Dsc 0358

Exploration Team named

A newly formed task force to explore a way forward for the Northern Illinois Conference including the possibility of a new Methodist expression has been named and will hold their first meeting June 29, 2019 to talk about their next steps.

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Dsc 0266

Shepherding Team introduces top Conference goals

After months of deep dive conversations, assessments, studies, analyses, strategic planning, and visioning, the Northern Illinois Conference Shepherding Team’s (ACST) work has culminated in legislation with a recommendation of three top goals for the Conference

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Dsc 0187

Bishops offer pastoral word; make key decisions at May 2019 meeting

The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church completed its May 2019 meeting held outside Chicago with a pastoral and prophetic word in response to the decisions of the Special Session and the codification of some of those decisions in the Book of Discipline.

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Dsc 0098

Hispanic/Latinx church planters learn and share together

Bishop Sally Dyck delivered a message to more than 25 Hispanic/Latinx and Brazilian church planters from across the country at their first-time gathering in Northbrook on May 3. 

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Dsc 0131

Council of Bishops Meeting

The Council of Bishops meets in Rosemont this week which is their first meeting following the Judicial Council rulings on the Traditional Plan. Bishop Sally Dyck talks about how the conversations have been honest and fruitful.

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Interpreting through reason, tradition, and experience

On March 30 and 31, about 1,000 people gathered in three different settings across our conference to talk about what happened at General Conference 2019 and what it means for our local churches. While I believe in a “traditional marriage” between a man and a woman, my own interpretation of Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience leads me to a more inclusive understanding of marriage; that of a same-sex relationship of two consenting adults who lead a monogamous, lifelong, loving, and committed relationship.

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