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2018 Apportionments Paid

As we close the books for 2018, we want to take a moment to thank the 183 churches who paid 100% of their apportionments. We even had an amazing 27 churches pay over 100%.  

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Pay apportionment, insurance and pension online

You can now pay your apportionment, insurance, and pension ONLINE! The set-up is super easy once you log-in to Prosper. Read more how to access and troubleshoot.

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Thank you - 2017 Apportionment Giving

2017 Apportionments are now closed, and we have a lot of 100% churches! “It is because of our wonderful churches continuing their support for the United Methodist Church, that the Northern Illinois Conference was able to pay 90% of our apportionments to the General Council on Financial and Administration. We value and treasure, not only our 100% churches but all of our churches who work year-round to raise funds to support the mission. We thank you, and we look forward to a blessed 2018,” said Lonnie Chafin, NIC Treasurer.

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