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AC Awards from child advocacy to second mile giving

The annual awards presented to clergy and laity during the Conference range from child advocates to churches giving above and beyond.

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Apportionment Statement Changes

In response to questions from churches following the Special Session of General Conference regarding designation of apportionment funds, we have changed the NIC apportionment statement. The new statement will provide more information about the ministries supported by your local church, designating contributions to three NIC funds and seven general conference funds.

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2018 Apportionments Paid

As we close the books for 2018, we want to take a moment to thank the 183 churches who paid 100% of their apportionments. We even had an amazing 27 churches pay over 100%.  

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Pay apportionment, insurance and pension online

You can now pay your apportionment, insurance, and pension ONLINE! The set-up is super easy once you log-in to Prosper. Read more how to access and troubleshoot.

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Thank you - 2017 Apportionment Giving

2017 Apportionments are now closed, and we have a lot of 100% churches! “It is because of our wonderful churches continuing their support for the United Methodist Church, that the Northern Illinois Conference was able to pay 90% of our apportionments to the General Council on Financial and Administration. We value and treasure, not only our 100% churches but all of our churches who work year-round to raise funds to support the mission. We thank you, and we look forward to a blessed 2018,” said Lonnie Chafin, NIC Treasurer.

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