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DYK - What goes on behind the scenes?

The theme for this year is “Navigating Uncharted Waters” and while we talk, pray, and learn with one another about all the uncertainties in our world and for our denomination, there is one thing that is certain – we will be prepared for the session, thanks to the many, many hours of volunteer and staff time that goes into making our annual conference a hospitable, comfortable, well run event.

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Bishop's Column: Shepherding on the edge

Shepherding is really about leading; leading by example, listening, caring, risking in the midst of the precarious places we find ourselves, and reaching out from whatever place we find ourselves, so as to make it better, more Christ-like, more loving, and holy.

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The church is watching, waiting, UMC Bishops told

United Methodist bishops were reminded that the church is watching, waiting and wondering if and how they will lead the denomination into the future at the opening of the 2018 April/May meeting of the Council of Bishops at the Hilton Rosemont Hotel outside Chicago.

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Bishop appoints new Chicago Northwestern District Superintendent

Bishop Sally Dyck is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Chicago Northwestern District Superintendent, the Rev. Brittany Isaac from Urban Village Church, effective July 1, 2018. Rev. Brittany Isaac follows the Rev. Zaki L. Zaki whose next appointment will be announced later. Bishop Dyck thanks Rev. Zaki on behalf of the annual conference for his years of service on the Northern Illinois cabinet.

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Celebrate The United Methodist Church's 50th Anniversary

Fifty years ago, Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Bishop Rueben H. Mueller and Methodist Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke joined hands over a table laden with symbols---the Bible, hymnals, books of Discipline and a 307-page "Plan of Union." 1,300 delegates and 10,000 visitors met in Dallas, Texas on April 23, 1968 proclaiming the formation of the newly-constituted United Methodist Church.

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Chicago Circuit Rider Series

Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist denomination is delighted to see young clergy in Chicago sharing their pulpits with one another in a series they have created together, “CTA Circuit Riders Sermon Series" from April 8-May 20.

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