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Board Of Laity In Costume 2025

Laity Convocation's energy inspires hope and grace

Laypeople reclaimed their callings and God’s grace in their lives at the Northern Illinois Laity Convocation, Feb. 8 at New Lenox United Methodist Church.

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In Sympathy: Charlene Hill

Rev. Charlene Hill, a member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, January 27, 2025.

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Lincoln and Adalberto Members Uneasy About ICE, Hate Groups

Bishop Dan Schwerin, Rev. Dr. Audrea Nanabray, and Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer listened to the concerns of Lincoln and Adalberto United Methodists when they visited these congregations on Feb. 2.

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February 2025 Benefit Insights

For February, key Health and Pension benefit updates include information about heart health, taxes, fun facts, and a carrot cake bar recipe.

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Work Needed to Fulfill Our Commitment

To fulfill our commitment to the survivors through the “Repair the Harm to Children” campaign, over $440,000 is still needed to meet the Northern Illinois Conference’s share. his initiative is not just a financial commitment but a moral obligation to support healing and prevent future harm. Help us bring healing and hope to survivors of Boy Scouts abuse. If you haven’t pledged or given, now’s the time.

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Have you made your contribution?

In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed for us to continue our impact. This giving supports our ministries, outreach programs, employees and daily operations.

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