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Connectional Table Approves Legislation Creating New U.S. Structure

he Connectional Table approved sending legislation to General Conference 2020 that will create a new structure for churches in the United States, called a regional conference, during an online meeting July 18, 2019. 

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Purple Cow: funny name, essential support

On March 27, clergy members of the Purple Cow group met at the Northern Illinois Conference Chicago office for their monthly gathering of support, prayer, encouragement, brainstorming, and accountability. The group takes its name from the book with the same title by Seth Godin, who wrote that “success was linked to doing things worth noticing.”

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Mission ready and disaster prepared

Have you always been interested in joining a mission team but don’t know what to do or how to do it? The NIC United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) committee is reorganizing and ready to get you and your team started. Mission journeys are opportunities for both lay and clergy to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world. 

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Ecumenical, Interfaith, and Inter-religious Survey

The CCUIR (Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Relationships) of the Northern Illinois Conference requests a few minutes of your time to take a survey to help us to better understand the important work our NIC congregations and individuals (both lay and clergy) are already doing.

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Gun Violence Assembly

“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” has been designed as an interconference, faith-rooted Teach-in and Café Conversation sponsored by the Indiana and Northern Illinois Conferences of The United Methodist Church. This half-day assembly is designed to equip and engage participants in principles and practices to effectively implement congregation and community-based gun violence prevention strategies.

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2018 Apportionments Paid

As we close the books for 2018, we want to take a moment to thank the 183 churches who paid 100% of their apportionments. We even had an amazing 27 churches pay over 100%.  

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