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Ac24 Laity Session Discussion 5 Cmyk

Stronger Together: A time to celebrate our connexion

"Our Northern Illinois Conference has many reasons to celebrate," observes Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer, Northern Illinois Conference's director of connectional ministries. "Although we are not all the same, come from diverse backgrounds, and have different opinions, we are one in Christ Jesus. As we work for the kin-dom, we are not islands; we are one body working together to make a difference in this world."  

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Fresh Expressions 1 Cmyk

Fresh Expressions ministries give hope for the future of the church

In a time of uncertainty about what the future of The United Methodist Church—and most denominations—will look like, Fresh Expressions brings some hopeful direction. You may have heard of “church” taking place in some unusual places in some unusual ways, such as dinner church and pub hymn-sings. These are examples of Fresh Expressions, an intentional, interdenominational creative movement of Christians who bring the gospel to those who would probably never come to a traditional church setting.

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Bishop Containers And Fresh Expressions

From Your Bishop: Containers and Fresh Expressions

Lent is a container—or a set of training wheels that give way to whatever grace has done in us and through us all. We have this season in time to be formed and set free for the newness of Easter. We are Holy Spirit people, a movement. Followers and sojourners. The walk of faith is contemplative, sure, but the Spirit is always moving.

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Laity Convocation 5 Cmyk

Stronger Together: Our Laity in action

My source of hope today is in the laypeople of our conference. There are faithful laity all over our conference who keep serving, investing their gifts and talents, and going above and beyond to do God’s mission here on earth, no matter what. Our laity are faithful, perseverant, and committed to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our laity are in action!! 

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Golden Cross Winners Together

2023 Golden Cross Award winners are compassionate caregivers

Five exemplary leaders in senior services have been recognized with Northern Illinois Conference’s Golden Cross awards. Each year, donations to Golden Cross Sunday offerings fund grants for deserving workers in senior-serving institutions to further their service among older adults. Pong Javier, Deaconess Martha Lundgren, and Deaconess Joy Hayag, members of the annual conference Older Adult Ministry Committee, presented this year’s awards to these deserving recipients. 

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Apportionments: Connected through giving

The Northern Illinois Conference is grateful for its many churches for their faithful apportionment giving and celebrates those who paid in full, despite these challenging times. In 2023, 197 churches paid 100 percent of their calculated apportionments to the conference. Ninety-six churches paid 100 percent of their apportionments to both the conference and the general church funds.  

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