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2020 NICUMC Property & Casualty Insurance Allocation

The Insurance premium rates for churches enrolled in the NIC Property & Casualty Insurance Program are now available.

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DYK - Won't you be my neighbor?

It’s exciting to see The United Methodist Church playing a key role in providing tools to engage this story. Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian Minister. He focused much of his ministry on the PBS television show Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.

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Military Chaplains need our support

Over the years as a district superintendent and bishop, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the United Methodist recruitment, screening, training, and credentialing of military chaplains. United Methodist military chaplains are highly regarded in their ministry in all the branches of the U.S. military.

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NIJFON annual fundraiser

On Sunday, September 29, more than 150 supporters gathered at Two Brothers Roundhouse in Aurora for the Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors’ (NIJFON) annual fundraiser.

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Trainings around the NIC fan the flame of discipleship

The week of September 9, approximately 350 clergy and laity attended one of six Discipleship Systems training sessions across the NIC led by Jeff Campbell, Associate General Secretary for Strategic Programming with Discipleship Ministries (UM General Board of Discipleship).

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HealthFlex Exchange Workshops offered

To help you choose the health plan that works for you, the NIC will offer five workshops around the conference this fall for the new HealthFlex Exchange medical insurance. Wespath and conference representatives will lead the workshops to explain each plan and help choose the best option to fit your family’s needs and budget.

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