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Bishop Dan

Bishop’s Column: Encourage Each Other

Scripture implores us to encourage each other and Hebrews 10:25 gives us a context: “Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near” (CEB).

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Damage At Camp Reynoldswood

Bishop Calls for Prayer for Storm Victims

During the first days of April, a number of Northern Illinois communities have been battered by storms. These include Belvidere, where a tornado touched ground on April 1, and Camp Reynoldswood, which suffered damage to the roof of one of its buildings on April 4.

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A Message From The Bishop

A Message from the Bishop: Prayer for Peace Following School Shooting

You may have learned that earlier today, March 27, an armed attacker killed three children and three adults at Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn. Bishop Bill McAlilly of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference has asked United Methodists to be in prayer for our neighbors, especially the many children, parents, and teachers affected by this violence. I invite you to join me in this prayer.

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A Message From The Bishop

A Message from the Bishop: Election of General Conference Delegates

Grace and peace to you in the name of Christ. I write today related to the composition of our delegation in light of a new ruling released by the United Methodist Judicial Council.

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Bishop Dan

Bishop’s Column: We are in a Holy Saturday Moment

Sure, we are living in post-Christendom, days that the culture is not filling our churches with citizens who wish to make a missional contribution, but rather days our culture seethes with white Christian nationalism. We are facing powerful monied interests that seek to divide us for political gain, both in the culture and the mainline churches. We are living in a Holy Saturday period. We are people who know grief at the foot of the cross but also that resurrection hope is found on the road to Emmaus. I am praying that the One who can bring us hope will stay at the table with us because the night is near.

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Bishop With Crook

Bishop Dan Schwerin Installed

The sunlight shone through the elegant stained-glass windows at First UMC in Elgin, Ill., on Sunday, February 26, 2023, for the Installation Service of Bishop Dan Schwerin. The installation service was a celebration of the diversity of the conference and included performances by multiple choirs and readings in different languages.

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