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Dyck Sally 113

Bishop's Column: How would Jesus vote?

In Matthew 16, Jesus asked his disciples who they said he was. Peter responded by saying, “You are the Christ!” Peter confessed with his lips but he hadn't yet lived it with his life; following Jesus is more than confessing with our lips!  

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Jc Way Forward 1 Harvey 690 R

Court: One Church Plan largely constitutional

A review of possible plans for the future direction of The United Methodist Church found the One Church Plan to be largely constitutional, said a decision released Oct. 26 by the denomination’s top court.

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Immigration ministry honors champions for justice

About 150 people attended the annual Northern Illinois Justice For Our Neighbors (NIJFON) fundraiser on Oct. 14 to support their ongoing work to provide high quality, free legal services for immigrants.

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Bishop's statement on Van Dyke verdict

All eyes around the country have been on Chicago the last few weeks during the trial against Jason Van Dyke, a police officer who killed Laquan McDonald while on duty. There is no joy in his second degree murder conviction because he was not the only one on trial. We must continue to cry out and work for justice for brown and black persons who are targeted and failed by our policing, political, governmental and political systems as well as social networks. 

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An Open Letter from Courtroom 500 to the Chicago Faith Community

Now is a time for unity in the faith community. It is not a time separate into denominational divisions and sectarian separatism. It is essential for members of the faith community to work together with the outcome being more than a “photo-op or sound bite.” We are urging faith community leaders to respond to this historic moment pastorally, prophetically and politically. 

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Delegates Build Relationships, Consider What is Good for the Whole Church  

Members of each of the delegations to the Special Session of General Conference from across the North Central Jurisdiction (NCJ) gathered at Wespath Benefits and Investments in Glenview, Illinois September 21-22.  

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