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Bishop Dyck's message post-General Conference

The long-awaited Special Session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in St. Louis, Mo., has finished its work. The three days were very painful for people who attended or watched at home via livestream. The pain inflicted upon our LGBTQI members, friends and families was intense. But there was also pain in seeing the deep divide among the delegates. Likewise, many of us feel this doesn’t reflect the United Methodist Church’s doctrine on grace.

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180th Northern Illinois Annual Conference goes 'Back to the Future'

The Northern Illinois Annual Conference will be held June 2-4, 2019 at the Schaumburg Convention Center. The theme is "Back to the Future" as we celebrate our 180th anniversary.

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College of Bishops: 'The mission continues'

The North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops met January 22-24, 2019 and have issued this joint statement as we approach the Special General Conference 2019.

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Bishop's Column: Looking ahead to GC19

In a few weeks—February 23-26, 2019—the delegates to the General Conference of The United Methodist Church will meet in St. Louis, Missouri for a Special Session in order to discern a way forward in regards to the impasse and conflict within the church related to human sexuality. 

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Tim Tyson keynote at Martin Luther King Celebration

Bishop Sally Dyck invites you to this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. annual celebration on Sunday, Jan. 20 at 4 p.m. at  Faith UMC, 15101 S 80th Ave., Orland Park, IL. Distinguished author Timothy B. Tyson is our special guest and will speak on “Emmett Till: The Chicago Connection then and now.” 

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Bishop’s Column: Lift up the lonely this season

Only about half of Americans have meaningful in-person social interactions, such as a friend that one can have an extended conversation with about things that matter or regular quality time with friends in-person. In the last 50 years, we entertain half as many people per year now as then. How often do you have people over to your house for a meal?

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