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UVC seeking award nominations

United Voices for Children is once again seeking nominations for awards to honor extraordinary volunteer service or advocacy efforts on behalf of children, youth and/or families throughout the Northern Illinois Conference.  

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NIC General Conference Delegation update

In one year, the General Conference will have a special session to hear the recommendation of the Council of Bishops and vote on the Way Forward for The United Methodist Church. Your Northern Illinois General Conference Delegation is meeting in preparation for this important vote.  Here are some things that we would like you to know.

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Pay apportionment, insurance and pension online

You can now pay your apportionment, insurance, and pension ONLINE! The set-up is super easy once you log-in to Prosper. Read more how to access and troubleshoot.

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Thank you - 2017 Apportionment Giving

2017 Apportionments are now closed, and we have a lot of 100% churches! “It is because of our wonderful churches continuing their support for the United Methodist Church, that the Northern Illinois Conference was able to pay 90% of our apportionments to the General Council on Financial and Administration. We value and treasure, not only our 100% churches but all of our churches who work year-round to raise funds to support the mission. We thank you, and we look forward to a blessed 2018,” said Lonnie Chafin, NIC Treasurer.

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Bishop's Column - A Few Good Reads

During the month of December, I took a renewal leave. For the first few days, I energetically cleaned every closet, cupboard, drawer, shelf, and closet in our condo. I took loads of books, clothes and other articles to the local Goodwill store. It was quite gratifying! Then I decided to read. Read more of the Bishop's February Column...

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DYK - The UMC speaks to sexual harassment

Clergy training has evolved. While always including a list of dos and don’ts, we now understand that balance in our personal and professional lives, good habits of self-care and healthy relationships all factor into good judgment on the part of a pastor. Just a week after our most recent training concluded, the conversation about sexual ethics and harassment became a national focus. Tragically, we have been reminded that abuse of power and authority is not only a problem for the church but for the whole of our society.

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