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Military Chaplains need our support

Over the years as a district superintendent and bishop, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the United Methodist recruitment, screening, training, and credentialing of military chaplains. United Methodist military chaplains are highly regarded in their ministry in all the branches of the U.S. military.

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Local pastors called to service to churches, communities

On Sept. 21, NIC local pastors, associate members, district supply pastors, and certified lay Ministers gathered for “Brunch with the Bishop” at Naperville: Wheatland Salem to share more about their outreach ministries, such as “Kid’s Card Corner,” in their local settings. 

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NIU Campus Ministry Reinvented

This fall, the Wesley Foundation at Northern Illinois University (NIU) has undergone a name change and has a newly appointed campus minister.

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Preaching and Talking about General Conference 2019

This Sunday and in the weeks to come United Methodist pastors everywhere will be addressing their congregations about the decisions of General Conference 2019. Church members will have different reactions to the decisions and may have questions about how this will affect them or their congregation. Here are some talking points pastors may find helpful as they prepare to preach and lead discussions.

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Traditional Plan potential impact on pensions

Response from the Northern Illinois Conference Board of Pensions To Clergy Members of the Northern Illinois Conference. 

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Summer Reading

Each active clergy serving local churches should have received a copy of the book Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality put together by the General Board of Higher Education at either the clergy session or annual conference.

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