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Dyck Sally

Bishop offers three-day sabbath to clergy

All of us in the State of Illinois have been under an official stay-at-home order since March 22. Even the weekend before, clergy and laity teams responsible for worship began to figure out how to continue to worship online.

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Dyck Sally

Bishop's Easter Monday Message

We're all doing the best we can! Happy Easter and congratulations on getting through to Easter Monday! Many of you, both clergy and laity, have been working so hard to present Holy Week and Easter services throughout these challenging and very different times.

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Easter Message2001

Bishop Sally Dyck's Easter Message

This Easter may feel empty for many of us as we all are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our churches are empty. No lilies nor hyacinths wafting their strong sweet smell. No pews filled with people dressed in their best clothes. No choirs singing the alleluias or trumpets sending chills down our legs just hearing the introduction to “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” Our tables are emptier than we would like; we have empty chairs that friends and family would otherwise be filling.

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Lords Prayer

Lord's Prayer in Unison

In the face of the worldwide pandemic of the novel coronavirus, Bishop Sally Dyck and the Cabinet calls us to join Christians around the world for an Ecumenical Reciting of the Lord's Prayer today, Wednesday, March 25 at noon.

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Nic Daily Prayer

Daily prayer and support

The Northern Illinois Conference’s Discipleship Task Force, invite you to join us in daily prayer of support, joy, and encouragement. Our task force will provide daily prayers on the conference’s social media sites starting Wed., March 18 through at least April 30. 

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Fullsizeoutput D121

Bishop Dyck calls for suspending worship services

Following new restrictions from the President's COVID-19 task force and the CDC, I think it's time we suspend in-person worship services in our churches until further notice. But that doesn't mean we stop being in ministry. In fact, we need to put our ministry in high gear!

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