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NIC Board of Ordained Ministry responds to Judicial Council Ruling

The NIC Board of Ordained Ministry delivered its report to the annual clergy session held May 23, 2017.

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Hilltop Ministry Center sold to Easterseals

Bill and Joyce Russ, long-time faithful members of Centennial UMC in Rockford, Ill., and life-long farmers on the north side of the city, made a gift of land in 2004 to the Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) with the dream that the land, which brought forth a harvest of grain, would bring forth a harvest of souls for the glory of God.

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Bishop Dyck letter in response to Judicial Council rulings

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NIC receives award from Rosecrance

Rosecrance presented the Northern Illinois Conference the Castle Award, which honors volunteers or groups who display exemplary commitment to the Rosecrance mission, at the health network’s annual foundation benefit on April 24.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

I urge you as clergy and churches to talk about mental health during the month of May; in a sermon, Bible study, or even mention those who suffer from mental illness in the pastoral prayer. Sometimes just openly talking about it helps people who are suffering from the stigma to know there is someone who cares and that someone might be you. You might be able to help that person find help. Who knows, you might save a life.

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Churches gather to learn more on immigration

“This is an opportunity to review what’s going on nationally and in our own area around immigration,” said Bishop Sally Dyck to the nearly 120 gathered at Our Saviour’s United Methodist Church in Schaumburg on April 22. “Not everyone agrees on what to do around immigration issues, but when we come together like this we hear from each other, make connections and think about what it is we as United Methodists are called upon to do.”

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