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Smith Lisa

New Communications Specialist Joins NIC Staff

Please help us in welcoming Lisa Smith to the NIC Staff as the new Administrative Assistant/Communications  Specialist as of Oct. 1, 2021. She will work closely with Rev. Arlene Christopherson, Dir. of Connectional Ministries and Anne Marie Gerhardt, Director of Communications. Diane will be responsible for special publications, brochures, graphics, Annual Conference media support, web content, social media, and other communication projects.

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Annual Conference meets for fall session

In a continuation of the 182nd Northern Illinois Annual Conference with the theme "Jesus Makes a Way," more than 600 members gathered for a half-day fall session held virtually through Zoom on October 2 to vote on the budget, a nominations slate, Board of Pension proposals and other business. 

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United Methodists Stand Against Racism in Carol Stream

On Sunday, August 29, 2021, United Methodists from Saint Andrew UMC in Carol Stream and First UMC of West Chicago gathered together to take a stand against racism as part of the conference-wide DIY Rally Against Racism efforts this summer.

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Thank you from the Northern Illinois Food Bank

In spring 2020, the United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference challenged congregations to raise funds to support the three Food Banks serving their conference. The match began as a $50,000 challenge, but because of generous support was increased to $75,000. In total gifts of more than $150,000 were made to support feeding neighbors. 

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Bishops' Statement on Violence against Asian Americans

NIC Interim Bishop John Hopkins has signed a joint statement with the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, condemning the shootings in metropolitan Atlanta on March 16 that left eight people dead and one injured. They recognize these shootings are the product of a culture of violence, misogyny, and hatred against Asian American people—particularly Asian women—that has intensified over the last year.

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Transitions to new districts beginning

NIC District Superintendents have started the transition process from six to five districts that will go into effect July 1, 2021. Each of the new five districts will have a transition team with laity and clergy and will look different in each district.

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