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Bishop Dan

Bishop’s Column: Encourage Each Other

Scripture implores us to encourage each other and Hebrews 10:25 gives us a context: “Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near” (CEB).

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Repair The Harm To Children

Repair the Harm to Children Campaign Launched

The Boy Scouts of America recently settled a lawsuit related to accusations of sexual abuse of children. The United Methodist Church—one of the parties in the suit—is committed to caring for the children who were harmed and to preventing abuse in the future. The Northern Illinois Conference Trustees and Council on Finance and Administration, in collaboration with Bishop Dan Schwerin and the conference staff, created the Repair the Harm to Children Campaign to respond to the victims’ needs.

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Alex Jackman Rainbowdrawing Unsplash

How We Became a Reconciling Congregation

During that learning process, I found out that the Galena UMC congregation was not officially a Reconciling Congregation, even though they thought they were.They had already been openly in support of LGBTQ+ people for a long time, so I helped them start the process to become a Reconciling Congregation. It was difficult, but we prayed and communicated with each other.

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Exhibit 1st Q Film Series

Opening space for discussion during the 2023 film series

The Anti-Racism Task Force kicked off its 2023 Film Series at the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie on March 25. This first event aimed to help participants better understand the media’s role in portraying people of color in ways that sometimes contribute to negative stereotypes an perpetuate a “white savior” narrative.

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Christopherson Arlene

Did You Know? Behind the Scenes

The upcoming Annual Conference registration deadline (May 28) is approaching quickly, and we are working hard to have everything ready for the June 6 opening session. Who comes up with the annual conference theme, coordinates the venue, runs the registration, creates the worship services, orchestrates the agenda, keeps us on track, decides the music, schedules the presentations, designs the slides, edits the videos and more?

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Sympathy Notice: Rev. James B. McDonald

Rev. James B. McDonald, retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference passed away Friday, April 21, 2023. During his ministry he served at Hanover, Libertyville: First, New Lenox and Downers Grove: First.

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