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NIC congregations leading solar energy use save money and care for God’s creation

Net zero requires abatement of our emissions. We must eliminate carbon-producing activity. This will require our being less reliant on fossil fuels by pursuing efficient energy use, electrification, and renewables. A key action is to go solar.

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Children blossom as readers and confident students in St. Mark UMC’s Freedom School

St. Mark United Methodist Church in Chicago’s Chatham neighborhood has been especially busy this summer. Some of its rooms were buzzing with the sound of children dancing, moving, or discussing a story they heard read aloud that day. After lunch, though, the building would settle into 15 minutes of stillness, when children and adults were quietly reading.

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Leading the Laity: Take time to restore your soul: find your own quiet center

We hear the phrase “self-care” a lot these days. The concept dates back millennia. Maybe now is a good time to revisit wise words from the Holy book. Open up to Psalm 23 and offer a reviving drink to your thirsting heart and soul.

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Mission Trip

Many churches and youth are participating in Mission Trips this summer

Many churches are starting up Mission Trips after a pause or change due COVID. It is great to see everyone being the hands and feet of Christ in our word.

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Pilgrims to U.S./Mexico Border Observe Danger and Hope

Migrants come to Nogales--a city that spans the U.S./Mexico border--from all over Central and South America, fleeing from dangerous life situations. Seven lay people and three clergy from the Northern Illinois Conference traveled to that city from March 20 to 24 to observe up close the hardship and courage of those who cross or live near the border. The group took a pilgrimage to Nogales from March 20 to 24 to learn about the migrant experience.

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Korean Peace Reflections & Prayers Unites Conference Members in Hope

A group of Korean-American pastors led the Northern Illinois Conference members on June 7 in  prayers, songs, and personal testimonies for peace in this 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice. The armistice ended the war, but an expected peaceful settlement has never been completed. This was perhaps the most moving part of the Northern Illinois Conference session, held June 6-8 in Schaumburg, Ill.

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