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Repair The Harm To Children Cmyk 300

For survivors’ sake, pledge to the Repair the Harm Fund today

What would you give to keep a child safe? What would you give to help the wounded heal? Northern Illinois Conference’s Bishop Dan Schwerin asks churches to prayerfully consider these questions as they make a pledge to the conference’s Repair the Harm campaign. The campaign is raising $754,348 toward a survivors’ fund for those who endured abuse while participating in Boy Scout activities.

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Dec 23r Support Belong Together Kevin Gent I7bq8hww9be Unsplash

From Your Bishop: We Belong to Each Other

John Wesley taught that the covenants of Methodist polity affirm that we share for the good of the whole, be it the trust clause, the appointment, or the apportionment. I write today to ask you to pray and consider how to finish well and move toward 100 percent payment of all your church’s apportioned items, both conference and general church apportionments.

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Dec 23r Rural Farm Fields 7287267

Small-town or rural ministries may apply for Keagy grants

Is your church in a small town or rural area (that is, not in an urban or suburban location)? Have you been dreaming of a creative ministry opportunity in your community, but need a little financial help?  The Northern Illinois Conference offers two grants that are funded by a bequest from Martin Keagy, who had a big heart for small-town and rural churches.

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Everyone Is Welcome Katie Moum 7xgtyefmxiq Unsplash

Hager’s story: a refugee finds a new life in Northern Illinois

The ongoing Syrian civil war has driven over 180,000 migrants from Syria to seek refuge in the U. S. since the outbreak of violence in 2011. Hager (a pseudonym) and her family were among these refugees. Hager is one of the first Syrian clients served by Northern Illinois Justice For Our Neighbors, which provides affordable, high-quality legal assistance for immigrants.

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Dove Peace Faith 4664706 1280

DYK Leading with Presence in uncertain times

This is the season of assessment and planning for most organizations. As we near the end of the year, our congregations are gathering for their church conference. They will reflect on the past and plan their future. This cycle of reflection (evaluation) and planning is important for any organization. This work happens at many levels in an annual conference: in congregations’ committees; at the Annual Conference Shepherding Team table, where chairs and leaders of the conference gather to coordinate and collaborate; in Cabinet meetings, and on the floor of the annual conference session.

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Pastor Appreciation Fb 3

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

It is a time to say “thank you” to the people who may be most visible as preachers and teachers, but who, in reality, are on-call 24/7 standing with congregants and others to offer spiritual and other support in times of confusion and transition, times of heart-wrenching sorrow and times of overwhelming joy.

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