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Leading the Laity: Let’s walk a mile in each other’s shoes

I recently had an opportunity to do some sincere reflection and soul searching. I looked at the past and present of who we are in the Northern Illinois Conference and The United Methodist Church as a whole. Then I pondered where we might be a year from now.

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Korean Esl Class

Church hosts ESL classes for students in South Korea

Students in South Korea partnered with members of St. Andrews in Carol Stream to attend an English as a Second Language class via Zoom. The class was held once a week to improve their English and understanding of American culture. The class celebrated their one-year anniversary on the first of September.

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Piggy Bankcr

New Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Program Available for Some Church Staff

The Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act is a state-facilitated, mandated retirement savings program for employers that have five or more employees who are issued a W-2 and that do not already offer an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Find out if your church should offer it to your staff.

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National Hispanic Heritage Month 2

Hispanic Heritage Month in NIC celebrates vital ministries

The Hispanic/Latinx community is one of the largest demographic groups in the U.S., with a population of 62.1 million. In Northern Illinois, the Hispanic/Latinx population is 1.9 million and continues to grow rapidly. This makes Hispanic Heritage Month—Sept. 15 to Oct. 15—very important to The United Methodist Church as a whole and our conference in particular. It’s a time we set aside to celebrate and appreciate the contribution of the Hispanic/Latinx community in our country and our churches.

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Oct 23 Dyk Words

DYK: Attend your church conference—you are a link in the connection

Church conferences focus on electing leaders, setting the pastor’s salary, approving the church’s budget (if available), recommending candidates for ministry, and approving lay speakers. The event also includes a time to review and affirm the congregation’s plans for ministry and mission and learning about the work of the conference and the wider United Methodist Church.These meetings are part of the fabric of our connectional nature. Through the connectional system, we are involved in God’s mission together. Together, we are able to do more than if we remained alone.

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Pastor Appreciation Fb 3

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

It is a time to say “thank you” to the people who may be most visible as preachers and teachers, but who, in reality, are on-call 24/7 standing with congregants and others to offer spiritual and other support in times of confusion and transition, times of heart-wrenching sorrow and times of overwhelming joy.

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