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Bishop appoints Rev. Jeffry Bross as new Aurora District Superintendent

Bishop Sally Dyck is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Aurora District Superintendent, Rev. Jeffry Bross, effective July 1, 2018. Rev. Bross has served as the Associate at Batavia UMC and then founding pastor of Flowing Grace UMC which chartered four years ago. He has served on the Aurora District Committee on Ordained Ministry as well as the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Rev. Bross follows Rev. Dick Wisdom who has been appointed to Plainfield: First UMC, also effective July 1, 2018.

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Bishop's Column: Living in liminal times

We’re called to faithfully do what God has called us to do: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. But we’re also called to trust in the mystery which is the liminal gospel of Easter: walking by faith and not by sight, letting the light shine through where it exists in the darkness, and navigating uncharted territory!

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Commission Final 3

Commission members grateful to serve, complete work on final report

Members of the Commission on a Way Forward expressed gratitude at the opportunity to be part of the Commission and they signaled hope for The United Methodist Church as they completed their meeting in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 22.

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2017 Journal now available

The 2017 Northern Illinois Conference Journal is available online and to purchase through for $11.

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Commission on a Way Forward presents two sketches to bishops

What is Christ’s way forward for doing mission and ministry in the worldwide United Methodist Church? That is the question bishops pondered during their February meeting in Dallas this week as they received an updated report from the Commission on a Way Forward.

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Bishop's Column: 1968 a year to remember

As 2018 rolled in we began to hear 50 year retrospectives. The year 1968 was a tumultuous, pivotal, and significant year in our nation’s recent history. It’s impossible to reflect on all of those semicentennial events and persons that have shaped us more than we may realize.

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