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Laypeople learn keys to civil conversations

In our highly conflicted society, is civil conversation on disputed subjects possible? At Laity Session at Annual Conference on June 6, participants learned some basic principles to practice when they engage in conversation with those they disagree with.

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Eight churches approved for disaffiliation from Northern Illinois Conference UMC

The disaffiliation of eight churches was approved by lay and clergy members of Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church in its 184th annual session on June 6: Calvary UMC in Stockton, McConnell UMC, Faith Evangelical UMC in Elmhurst, Fenton UMC, Plano UMC, Van Brocklin-Florence UMC in Freeport, La Luz UMC in Elgin, and Willow UMC.

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Leading the Laity: A Message of Encouragement

Northern Illinois Annual Conference session will start in a season of painful news from around the world. Yet, we must never tire of doing the work that Christ has set before us, So, no matter the uncertainty, doubt, or fear regarding what might lie ahead, we know that Jesus is still on the throne!

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Annual Conference Members Will Consider Churches’ Disaffiliation Requests

Ten churches’ request for disaffiliation from The United Methodist Church will be considered by Northern Illinois Annual Conference session members on June 6. These churches, constituting 2.8 percent of NIC congregations, completed a set of required steps that the 2019 UMC General Conference, in special session, passed as church law.

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Church and Society Legislation Resources

At the last Annual Conference, the NIC Church and Society committee sponsored several pieces of legislation. Over the next year, we will be providing more information on some of those resolutions that passed. Our first topic will be resolution 700.09, Let’s Overcome Christian Nationalism.

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Pastor leads by example with Apportionment Challenge

One pastor prayed for an answer to her church's large deficit. After attending Annual Conference and hearing from the Conference Committee on Finance and Administration, she came up with a challenge for her congregation and it started with her.

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