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Repair The Harm Comittment Graphic

Work Needed to Fulfill Our Commitment

To fulfill our commitment to the survivors through the “Repair the Harm to Children” campaign, over $440,000 is still needed to meet the Northern Illinois Conference’s share. his initiative is not just a financial commitment but a moral obligation to support healing and prevent future harm. Help us bring healing and hope to survivors of Boy Scouts abuse. If you haven’t pledged or given, now’s the time.

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Northern Illinois Conference seeks to yield to God’s leading: 2024 Conference Summary

Observing a Wesleyan spiritual practice rather rallying around a slogan, members of the 2024 session of the Northern Illinois Conference of met from June 16 to 18 in Schaumburg to yield to God as they recognized ministry milestones, worshiped, and voted on policies and resolutions. 

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Bishop's State of the Church Address, 2024

"We don’t have 330 churches. We have 330 experiments. We are missional incubators," said Bishop Dan Schwerin in his State of the Church Address at Annual Conference. "Yield to the call forward and get on an experiment for the gospel!"

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Ac24 Laity Session Discussion 5 Cmyk

Stronger Together: A time to celebrate our connexion

"Our Northern Illinois Conference has many reasons to celebrate," observes Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer, Northern Illinois Conference's director of connectional ministries. "Although we are not all the same, come from diverse backgrounds, and have different opinions, we are one in Christ Jesus. As we work for the kin-dom, we are not islands; we are one body working together to make a difference in this world."  

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One Matters Award

2024 One Matters Awards

The Northern Illinois Conference recognized five churches with the One Matters Award. The United Methodist Church’s Discipleship Ministries created this recognition to encourage congregations that in the previous year increased baptisms and professions of faith from zero to at least one. The UMC believes that each person matters.

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Slightly increased budget passes

Without debate, this year’s conference members passed a 2025 budget of $4,630,098. It represents an increase of $243,254 over the 2024 budget. “The increase of 5.25 percent from 2024 is an increase in every area of the budget; there was no single large expense,” explained Elaine Moy, conference treasurer and director of administrative services.

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