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Did You Know – Program ministry grants have launched

For years the Northern Illinois Conference has had a tradition of encouraging local churches to dream beyond their current ministries by offering small grants for new and creative experiments. With the transition to the Annual Conference Shepherding Team in 2017, we have been realigning the Program Ministries of the conference to address today’s realities. This fall we are excited to launch a newly organized granting structure to help our congregations experiment with ministries that are risk-taking and adventurous.  

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Did you Know - “Youth Ministries Abound”

Every year during annual conference, some great questions are raised as we review the conference budget. From administrative costs to congregational care to programming, we want you to know your apportionment dollars are making a difference. 

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DYK - What goes on behind the scenes?

The theme for this year is “Navigating Uncharted Waters” and while we talk, pray, and learn with one another about all the uncertainties in our world and for our denomination, there is one thing that is certain – we will be prepared for the session, thanks to the many, many hours of volunteer and staff time that goes into making our annual conference a hospitable, comfortable, well run event.

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Did You Know? “We are hosting history!”

In the spring of 1968 after many years of prayer, exploration, negotiation, and planning, several branches of our Wesleyan family merged. The Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren became a new denomination - The United Methodist Church. The uniting conference was held that spring in Dallas and the first meeting of this new denomination’s “Council of Bishops” took place in November 1968 in Chicago.

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DYK? Laity are in ministry

Last month United Methodist Directors of Connectional Ministries from around the world met in Atlanta. It was an opportunity to visit the new General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) offices and meet with many of the key staff in that agency. The time was well spent as we learned more about the resources provided by GBGM for our conference and churches.

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DYK - The UMC speaks to sexual harassment

Clergy training has evolved. While always including a list of dos and don’ts, we now understand that balance in our personal and professional lives, good habits of self-care and healthy relationships all factor into good judgment on the part of a pastor. Just a week after our most recent training concluded, the conversation about sexual ethics and harassment became a national focus. Tragically, we have been reminded that abuse of power and authority is not only a problem for the church but for the whole of our society.

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