Laity Convocation's energy inspires hope and grace
Laypeople reclaimed their callings and God’s grace in their lives at the Northern Illinois Laity Convocation, Feb. 8 at New Lenox United Methodist Church.
Because of your apportionment giving in 2022, the Northern Illinois Conference will be able to help fund the conference budget for programs and ministries both locally and globally. Apportionments denote an understanding that the purpose of the church is not just to care for its members, but also to reach beyond itself to engage with the world, minister to the world, and be in mission to the world. They are used to fund our church's global mission and witness, to help provide the necessary structure to respond in moments of crisis locally, nationally, and internationally, and to develop and nurture the leaders we need today and tomorrow.
“During a time of financial uncertainly, we are blessed and thankful for our many churches that fulfill their apportionments to allow the Conference to continue our mission as United Methodists,” Lonnie Chaffin, Conference Treasurer, expressed. The Northern Illinois Conference is thankful to its many churches for their faithful apportionment giving and celebrates those who paid in full. In 2022, 173 churches paid 100% of their calculated apportionments compared to 198 in 2021.
“As I meet lay and clergy across the Northern Illinois Conference, I am excited about the deep faith, creativity, and missional heart I am experiencing. The 2022 report on apportionments is a witness to this strength and deeply rooted understanding of God’s abundance,” commented Bishop Schwerin. “I look forward to our growth together in the years to come as we build on this work and strengthen our stewardship to reach discipleship of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are more powerful together.”
The Conference also celebrates the 35 churches that have consistently paid 100% for at least ten years. Grace UMC in Rockford is one of the churches that has paid their apportionments for at least the last 10 years. Rev. Sejoon Jang shared, “We believe it is a privilege to give to apportionments. We can do more & better together than we can alone. Together we can do things that a single individual church just can't do alone.”
Because of generous and faithful giving in our local churches in 2022, the Northern Illinois Conference was able to pay $1,366,179 to General Church apportionments and fully fund the conference budget. This payment represents a full payment of what our apportionment share would have been if the 2020 General Conference had been able to meet and approve the proposed budget for the next quadrennium (2021-2024). However, since the 2020 General Conference did not occur, Annual Conferences have been billed based on the budget passed for 2017-2020. The NIC apportionment share for 2022 was set at $1,823,221. Our payment represents about 75% of this amount. “The Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) is grateful for our local churches' continued generosity and faithfulness that allow us to be in ministry not only in Northern Illinois but worldwide through our general church apportionment giving,” voiced Rev. Tammy Scott, CCFA chair.
In 2022, the NIC received $4,305,601 in Conference apportionments and $579,593 for General Church apportionments. The Conference apportionments received exceeded our estimates by $259k. The amount we received for General Church apportionments represents about 37% of what was apportioned. So, how did we get $1.3M for our General Church apportionment? We started with the nearly $580k that was designated for the General Church. Then we added about $660k from the Conference apportionment receipts and about $100k from reserves that CCFA designated as available to reach 100% payment of the $1.366M General Church apportionment.
“We appreciate the generosity and faithfulness to our shared ministry from the churches in Northern Illinois. Thank you for all you are doing to make disciples of Jesus Christ for transforming the world in your local communities, the NIC, and The UMC,” said Scott. “Together, we are reaching new people, changing lives, and shining the light of Christ into the world.”
If your church paid 100%, download a customizable press release to announce the news and celebrate your congregation's faithful generosity in your bulletins and newsletters. Click here.
For more information on Apportionment Giving, including resources, videos,
downloads, sermon starters and more visit the Apportionments page.
Laypeople reclaimed their callings and God’s grace in their lives at the Northern Illinois Laity Convocation, Feb. 8 at New Lenox United Methodist Church.
Rev. Charlene Hill, a member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, January 27, 2025.
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