Work Needed to Fulfill Our Commitment
To fulfill our commitment to the survivors through the “Repair the Harm to Children” campaign, over $440,000 is still needed to meet the Northern Illinois Conference’s share. his initiati…
Watch the Presentation from Annual Conference
As followers of Jesus, we take seriously the commandment to love the stranger in our midst seriously. Whether they journeyed from Venezuela on foot, crossed the southern border of the US seeking asylum and ended up on buses to Chicago, or flew across the ocean from Ukraine to escape the Russian invasion, we want to offer compassion, love and care to our neighbors.
Why are people leaving their homes?
These are just a few reasons why people leave their homes, sometimes at a moment’s notice and often with only a few items that they can carry with them, and flee to other places for safety, security and hope for a better future. Can you imagine? How desperate would you have to be to leave everything that is familiar and make a hazardous journey to an unknown destination in order to protect yourself and your family?
The funds that we raise together through the Bishop’s Appeal will go to organizations providing immediate needs like hygiene kits, temporary shelter and food; and longer-term needs like employment, housing, medical care, and legal assistance. We will partner with groups such as Justice for Our Neighbors, World Relief, Refugee One, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, and conference congregations.
We can’t fix all the world situations that cause migration, but we can be a source of hope and life for our neighbors who arrive at our doorstep. Start planning for what your church can give to the Bishop’s Appeal for Migrant Needs.
To fulfill our commitment to the survivors through the “Repair the Harm to Children” campaign, over $440,000 is still needed to meet the Northern Illinois Conference’s share. his initiati…
The Northern Illinois Conference’s 186th session, themed “Grace is Sufficient,” will take place June 9-11. Bishop Dan Schwerin, inspired by the transformative power of grace, e…
Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer provides practical ways to live a year in grace, inviting individuals and congregations to embrace God’s unmerited favor as a fou…
Observing a Wesleyan spiritual practice rather rallying around a slogan, members of the 2024 session of the Northern Illinois Conference o…