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Unite to End Racism

Posted: February 16 2018 at 12:44 PM
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The Northern Illinois Conference and our Pan-Methodist partners along with the Illinois Conference of Churches (ICC) have chartered a bus to Washington D.C. so Illinois residents can take part in the anti-racism rally on the national mall on April 4, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. The theme is ACT Now! Unite to End Racism. ACT stands for Awaken, Confront, and Transform. The memorial service in Memphis, Tenn. will be broadcast on the mall.

The bus to D.C. leaves April 3 around 5 pm from St. Cletus Catholic Church, 600 W 55th St., LaGrange, IL and returns April 5 around6 am. There will be a few 15 minute comfort stops but no overnight stay. The cost is $175 and includes a sack lunch, water, and a t-shirt (order deadline for requested size has passed so XL t-shirts will be available for new registrations.) Stops for breakfast and supper will be on April 4, cost not included in the trip. 

A seat on the bus costs $175 and includes a sack lunch, water, and a t-shirt. To register go the events tab at and click on "Pan Methodist Bus." Registration closes March 31.  

Act Now

Be part of the nationwide commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination and be part of this clarion call to the nation!

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