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Rev. Johngmin Martin Lee, Congregational Development Director, to Retire on July 1

Posted: January 14 2024 at 02:20 PM
Author: Rev. Victoria Rebeck

Rev. Jongmin Martin Lee, director of congregational development and redevelopment for the Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church, will retire on July 1, 2024, announced Bishop Dan Schwerin, who oversees the conference.

Martin Lee

“I give thanks for the amazing wisdom and work Rev. Lee brought to the life of the Northern Illinois Conference over the past two decades while serving as Director of Congregational Development and Redevelopment,” Bishop Schwerin said. “Rev. Lee has guided us in turbulent times, creating programs, training opportunities, and new church starts that strengthened our disciple-making mission.”

Rev. Lee is respected across the United Methodist connection, particularly for his innovative work to expand the conference’s ministries with new communities.

“Martin’s gifts in leadership development have positively impacted the ministry practices of many of our clergy. His model for the Hispanic Academy has been replicated throughout the United Methodist connection,” Bishop Schwerin said. “His work individually and with groups has equipped our congregations in countless ways. Martin’s boundless energy and deep commitment to Christ has been a sevenfold blessing to the life of the Northern Illinois Conference.”

“I have had the honor of serving with Rev. Lee for only a brief period, but I am grateful for his skills, his passion, and his deeply rooted faith.”

Rev. Lee previously served Freeport: Faith, Chicago: First Korean, Bensenville and as NIC’s director of congregational development and redevelopment.

“I look forward to the ways in which Rev. Lee will continue to share his gifts and skill with our annual conference in coaching, consultation, and leadership as he moves into retirement,” Bishop Schwerin said.

The conference’s Personnel Committee, in partnership with the United Methodist General Board of Finance and Administration, will launch a denomination-wide search to fill the position.

“Please continue to pray for Rev. Lee, the person God is preparing to come next, and our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world,” said Bishop Schwerin.

Attend a celebration of Rev. Lee's ministry on April 7, 2024, 2 to 5 p.m. at Our Saviour's United Methodist Church, Schaumburg.

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