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General/Jurisdicational Delegate Elections

Posted: February 7 2019 at 11:44 AM
Author: Elisa Gatz, NIC Delegation Chair

At the 2019 Annual Conference, elections will take place for the 2020 General and Jurisdictional Delegations. We will elect three lay and three clergy General Conference delegates and three lay and clergy Jurisdictional Conference delegates, as well as two clergy and lay alternates.

One of the questions the General Conference Delegation received at the listening sessions was “How are delegates chosen?” For laity, there is an online nomination form that needs to be filled out which gives information on your service in your local church, conference, jurisdiction, and general church, as well as your strengths that you would bring to a delegation.  All potential delegates must also be a member of the Annual Conference.

Starting this year, the lay delegate nomination form will only be available online. Also this year, potential delegates will be asked to include a picture to make it easier to recognize candidates at Annual Conference. All active clergy are eligible candidates but do not need to fill out a form.

Once delegates are chosen, they will meet on a regular basis (usually monthly) for the year leading up to the General and Jurisdictional Conferences. A signicant amount of communication from the conferences to delegates is electronic, and it is important to be able to receive communication, respond quickly, and be able to fill out online forms.

At Annual Conference, elections are electronic and a candidate is considered elected when they have received 50% + 1 of the votes. The first three laity and first three clergy elected are General Conference delegates, the next three are Jurisdictional Conference delegates.

If you feel called to be a candidate for General and/or Jurisdictional Conference, prayerfully consider filling out a nomination form.

Click here to access the form

General Conference will be held May 5-15, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN and Jurisdictional Conference will be
July 15-18 in Fort Wayne, IN.

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