From Bishop Schwerin: Welcome the Strangers Among Us
Bishop Dan Schwerin calls United Methodists to stand with nonviolent migrants, immigrants, and refugees in this country.
The NIC Board of Global Ministries is organizing a fall collection drive to support recovery efforts from the 2021 Hurricanes and the recent devastating earthquake in Haiti.
Relief items requested:
Items listed here have been requested by non-profits working in Haiti:
• Blankets - can be gently used
• Powdered milk with expiration date of
12 months or more
Hygiene Supplies
• Toilet Paper
• BabyWipes
• Diapers - adult or child
Hurricane Recovery and the Relief Supply Network needs Cleaning Kits:
• Liquid Laundry Detergent - 32-64 oz.
• Liquid Household Clean - 16-40 oz.
• Liquid Dish Soap - 14-32 oz.
• Toothpaste-2.5 oz or larger
Other MMDC kits will be accepted, but please no electric sewing machines or bikes are needed at this time.
Christmas Game/Toy Collection for nonprofits serving poor children in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, and Haiti.
• Jump ropes, Simple musical instruments (recorder, harmonica, percussion)
• Sports balls (soccer, basketball, softball, baseball) Board Games (no batteries required)
• Pumps to inflate sports balls (Candyland, Connect 4, Jenga, Trouble, or other simple games)
Bring your items to the most convenient collection point at several designated churches around the Conference between Nov. 29 and Dec. 7, and MMDC will pick them up on a day to be announced between Dec. 9 and 15.
If you want to make a financial contribution, you can give to MMDC online or send a check to the Northern Illinois Conference with the Advance Number 50000150 in the memo section.
Please check back here for future information about the collection site locations, pick-up schedule, and other updates.
The 2020 mission challenge at Annual Conference collected Hurricane Relief items for Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC), our United Methodist disaster relief supply center just south of Springfield, Ill., which is celebrating 20 years of ministry in 2020.
Letter from MMDC Executive Director
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MMDC has struggled to purchase hygiene and cleaning supplies in bulk due to high demand. MMDC has also seen a reduction in the amount of in-kind donations resulting from the cancellation of in-person Annual Conferences. As Hurricane Season 2020 has been very challenging, the needs are greater than ever. Help MMDC with hurricane recovery and in preparing for the next storm!
The most urgent supply needs are the following (all cleaning and hygiene items must be unopened, other items should be new or gently used):
Collection points are available in six NIC districts. Click here for the collection point addresses, contacts and drop-off times. Please fill out a donation form to accompany your items. *Note there are no District specific items to donate.
Monetary donations are also welcome; make out your check to Midwest Mission Distribution Center and put "AC2020 Mission Challenge" in the memo line. You can also drop off your check at the Distribution Center or mail it to MMDC, 1001 Mission Drive, Pawnee, IL 62558. Please include the monetary donation form with your gift. You can also make a donation at their website at
AC2020 Monetary Donation Form
The deadline to drop off items is November 1, 2020.
More questions? Please call or text Larry Dunlap-Berg 615.945.6411 or email
Bishop Dan Schwerin calls United Methodists to stand with nonviolent migrants, immigrants, and refugees in this country.
The Council of Bishops is asking United Methodists to advocate for the rights, safety, and dignity of the immigrants among us. Pastors will read the bishops' letter fro…
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