From Bishop Schwerin: Welcome the Strangers Among Us
Bishop Dan Schwerin calls United Methodists to stand with nonviolent migrants, immigrants, and refugees in this country.
In The United Methodist Church, Global Ministries is about more than programs, projects or training sessions. Whether in relief work, church construction, or community health programs, we believe that quite ordinary men and women are transformed into a holy community – a church that is a sign of God’s presence as we pursue God’s mission.
In the Northern Illinois Conference, our local churches make a commitment to support local, regional and international mission projects and ministries through Mission Links (formerly Rainbow Covenant).
Read the latest Missions update newsletter
Conference Secretary of Global Ministries: Shirley M. Pulgar Hughes
Apportionments/Advance Specials: David Quinn 872-810-0895
For more information on Mission Links, second-mile giving, click here.
Click here for list of NIC Missionaries.
Bishop Dan Schwerin calls United Methodists to stand with nonviolent migrants, immigrants, and refugees in this country.
The Council of Bishops is asking United Methodists to advocate for the rights, safety, and dignity of the immigrants among us. Pastors will read the bishops' letter fro…
More people of Valdosta, GA, can repair their homes after Northern Illinois Conference’s early response volunteers removed fallen trees in that area.
Hurricanes Helene and Milton left a trail of devastation across much of the southeastern U.S. this fall. There are still people whose homes are unihabitable and relief workers continue…