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Prairie Central Lay Academy Spring 2024

Location: Plainfield UMC, 15114 Illinois St., Plainfield, IL

2024 Pc Spring Lay Academy Banners

5 Sundays
February 18 & 25, March 3, 10 & 17
2 - 5 p.m.

All class times must be attended to receive course credit.

Plainfield UMC, 15114 Illinois St., Plainfield, IL

Cost: $40 Includes all needed materials

Online registration 

Class Options: (one course per academy)

  1. Basic Course: This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover personal spiritual gifts and to consider the importance of servant leadership.
    Instructor: Roger Curless
  2. Called to Preach: This class is designed for those who have not had any formal preaching training. It will help those who are occasionally called upon to share the Word.
    Instructor: Rev. Becky Nicol
  3. Leading Bible Study/Experiential Bible Study: This class will not only discuss the basics of biblical interpretation, but also engage the participants in an experiential bible study.
    Instructor: Rev. Jeffry Bross
  4. Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens: This class is designed to help laity and clergy deepen their understanding of persons living with dementia and help them maintain their identity as beloved children of God.
    Instructor: Rev. Norval Brown

QUESTIONS? Mary Mecker (630) 709-3953,

Download the Flyer

Online registration 

News & Announcements

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