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Northern Illinois United Methodists Working and Helping at General Conference

General Conference takes thousands of people to help the event run smoothly and do its work. United Methodists from across Northern Illinois participated in General Conference 2020 in many different ways. 

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Group At Lincoln Statute Getting Ready To March

NIC’s Lobby Day uses lessons of the past to change the present

Early in the morning of 18 April 2024, 22 members of the Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force, many of whom had participated in last year’s Civil Rights Pilgrimage, boarded a bus or piled into cars to descend on Springfield to speak to state legislators about issues of racial injustice that concern us—with a focus on environmental justice, the school to prison pipeline, and immigration.

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Police Station

Simple Acts of Love shared from Christ UMC

In a world often marked by division and uncertainty, even the smallest acts of kindness can bring light and hope. During this past Lenten season, Christ United Methodist Church of Rockford set out to touch their community with simple acts of love.  

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Hope UMC re-dedicates historic building

Hope United Methodist Church’s century-old building in Chadwick housed life-changing ministry over the years, so the church devoted April 7 to remembering its role in the community and rededicating it. The re-celebration brought together family members of those who celebrated in the initial dedication service of 1924 with many who have contributed to the life of Hope through the years.

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Fresh Expressions ministries give hope for the future of the church

In a time of uncertainty about what the future of The United Methodist Church—and most denominations—will look like, Fresh Expressions brings some hopeful direction. You may have heard of “church” taking place in some unusual places in some unusual ways, such as dinner church and pub hymn-sings. These are examples of Fresh Expressions, an intentional, interdenominational creative movement of Christians who bring the gospel to those who would probably never come to a traditional church setting.

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Carpeters Place Pic Cmyk

Kingdom Assignment provides love ripples

The ripple effect of love was felt throughout the Belvidere community and beyond when the people of First United Methodist Church in Belvidere turned $100 bills into acts of compassion. Over 20 projects were initiated with the money. Some took the opportunity to partner with other members to make the money go further, some people took the money and made an individual impact, and some members reached out to other close family friends and associates and asked them to take part in their projects. 

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